The Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia held the first coordination meeting with the Ministers of economic development of the country's regions

1 December 2023, Friday

The event, organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov.

The meeting was devoted to discussing the results of 2023, plans and tasks for 2024 related to the implementation of national projects initiated by the President. The Ministers of Economy are focused on issues of socio-economic development of the regions, improvement of control and supervisory activities, development of public services and increasing investment attractiveness.

Maxim Reshetnikov noted that in recent years, regional economic teams have had to work at an unprecedented pace: first integrate anti-covert measures, then anti-sanctions programs, while continuing to implement strategic development objectives. According to him, the fact that the growth of the Russian economy turned out to be higher than forecast is a significant merit of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Maxim Reshetnikov outlined the priorities of the work to fulfill the task set by the President – ensuring long-term economic growth. It will be based on a growing domestic market and demand. "Now the main thing for the regions is to provide this growing demand with goods and services of domestic production. That is, to ensure the development of the supply-side economy, which the President spoke about," he stressed.

The key here is the development of investments, the minister continued. The Government has created a wide range of tools for this. "We need to help businesses use them. A lot depends on your proactive position and the quality of your work with investors," he addressed his regional colleagues. In particular, the Ministry expects that those subjects of the Russian Federation that have not yet applied the mechanism of agreements on protection and promotion of investments (APPI), which is in demand by business, will use it next year.  

He noted that much attention is being paid to regional development tools, including infrastructure budget loans and the 1704 program. "We need projects that provide new production facilities, long-term jobs, stable revenues to budgets for many years to come," the minister emphasized. – We see from the recent changes that you have begun to pay more attention to projects for the development of the supply-side economy, the real sector. It is extremely important not to slow down the pace of this work."

He stressed the importance of replicating successful regional practices in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives. In order to ensure the qualitative growth of small businesses and increase their contribution to the economy, it is planned to support start-up and growing companies from priority industries, companies from the SME+ category, the minister confirmed.

"And, of course, it is extremely important to combine support measures. We have many industry and cross-industry programs. I urge you not to focus only on those measures promoted by the Ministry of Economic Development. We are trying to be an integrator of all support measures at the federal level, and we expect the same from you," the minister concluded.


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