A master class on effective self-presentation will be held in Kazan

30 November 2023, Thursday

On December 13, at 11:00 a.m., a free master class on "Effective self-presentation" will be held at the My Business Center. The event will be held within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized enterprises".

Self-presentation is a tool to demonstrate your key skills and strengths to promote your own business and personal brand.

Nikolay Nikiforov, a business coach in effective communications, senior lecturer at KazGIK, will teach Tatarstan citizens how to use and develop self-presentation skills. 

As part of the master class, the speaker will conduct an express diagnosis of the presentation skills of the participants, talk about the technique of attracting and retaining the attention of the audience and other important aspects.

The event will focus on non-verbal interaction with the audience, gestures and persuasive reasoning.

The master class will end with a lecture on how to finish a presentation correctly in order to remain in the memory of the interlocutors.

Participation is free, registration is available on the SME.RF digital platform in the section "Regional support measures", then you need to select the service "Registration for training events held by the My Business Center".

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