An expert practitioner with many years of experience will hold an export seminar in Kazan

29 November 2023, Wednesday

On December 5, at 10:00, the Export Support Center with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan will hold a full-time seminar "International Marketplace: we reduce costs and get a satisfied buyer. 25+ life hacks of a successful card and secrets of packaging".

The speaker Ilya Shpirt is an expert practitioner in export, author of educational programs and seminars for exporters.

Students will learn about the general principles and tools for processing customer cards, advanced trends and ways of packaging goods for delivery through the marketplace.

At the seminar, the expert will highlight the following issues: 

• are there any special "patterns" by which the buyer's gaze "travels" through the marketplace page

• who are "scrollers" and how can they be useful to us

• what is the "abandoned basket effect" and do I need to fight it

• 25+ life hacks for the constituent elements of the product card

• the existence of a changing "fashion" for the design of cards on marketplaces

• the history of the appearance of the current format of the "add to cart" button and how many years spent on studying it

• what is behind the concept of "non-dissapointing" packaging

• what materials are currently used for packaging goods by mail

• how the packaging of the goods for shipment has become a marketing tool.

Workshop participants will receive a presentation with useful links and resources for further study. 

The seminar will be held at the site of the Center "My Business" within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship" at the address: Petersburgskaya st, 28, 3rd floor.

Registration for the event is available through the SME.RF Digital Platform until December 5, 2023 in the section "Regional support measures", and then you need to select the service: "Registration for participation in seminars for exporters".

For registration and participation, please contact Natalia Shireeva by phone: 8 (843) 222-90-60 (ext. 279).

Let us recall that the support of manufacturers who are or are planning to start working in foreign markets is carried out by the My Business Center and the Export Support Center within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship". Services and support can be obtained on the Digital platform "My Export", developed under the national project "International Cooperation and Export".

Current measures to support entrepreneurs can be found at the hotline number of the Center "My Business" of the Republic of Tatarstan: 8 (843) 524-90-90.


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