The discussion of effective practices in the field of public-private partnership will be held again in Kazan

24 November 2023, Friday

November 27, 28, 2023, the VI Interregional Industry Forum will be held in Tatarstan Public-Private Partnership Forum. The event is organized by the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan, which is the authorized body for the implementation of PPP projects in the Republic of Tatarstan. 

Tatarstan is actively advancing in the federal rating in terms of the level of development of public-private partnership, confidently enters the top 10 regions of Russia for the implementation of this mechanism in the implementation of projects. According to the rating of regions by the level of PPP development for the period from 2020-2021, the Republic of Tatarstan has risen from 67th place to 6th, in 2022 already to 4th place. 

This year's event will also highlight cases of using the PPP mechanism in various industries, including the social sphere (education, healthcare, sports), housing and communal services and road infrastructure. Experts from more than 20 regions of Russia will share their cases.

Among the speakers in 2023 will be: Azat Kadyrov, First Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, Georgy Chikov, Chief Managing Director (Head of the Block) of the Agent block of the Government of the Russian Federation WEB.RF and other representatives of business and government.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation are also invited to the event. 

More than ten business sessions: about the results of the work of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of PPP, successful practices of the regions, priority areas for the development of the mechanism in the current economic conditions, as well as expert discussions on PPP projects in sports, healthcare, education and housing and communal services — will involve about 300 invited experts and participants in fruitful networking at the VI Interregional Industry Forum Public-Private Partnership Forum. 

Participation in the Forum is free, registration is available on the website . Become a part of the expert community at the federal level! 

Venue: Bashir Rameev IT Park, Kazan, Spartakovskaya str., 2 

Contact information: 

tel.: 8 (843) 570-39-71
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