Tatarstan entrepreneurs will be presented with a digital platform for interaction with control bodies

10 November 2023, Friday

On November 17, 2023 at 14:00 at the Entrepreneur's House at the address: Kazan, Petersburgskaya st., 28, a presentation of the digital platform for interaction with control authorities - an updated version of the Internet resource "Proven Business" will take place ( ).

The resource is a free digital platform of useful knowledge and services in the field of control (supervisory) activities.

Based on the results of the work carried out, a new functionality has been introduced on the Resource.

A library of answers to the questions of the business community has appeared: 1300 questions and answers about the interaction of business with control (supervisory) bodies and useful information about 1,335 typical violations and ways to prevent them with links to regulatory NPA have been collected.

With the help of the service, a business can prepare for the upcoming inspection and pass an interactive checklist. So the entrepreneur will identify errors in advance and receive information about possible risks, recommendations for eliminating violations.

Also on the website there are announcements of events that allow you to be aware of the news agenda of various institutions of the republic. Entrepreneurs can learn about planned and ongoing inspections and preventive measures of control (supervision) bodies.

An electronic audit log has been introduced, thanks to which the entrepreneur has complete information about the control (supervisory) measures carried out in relation to his business. The summary of the journal allows you to track the dynamics of the share of the administrative burden on the business of the republic as a whole and in relation to each individual entrepreneur.

To participate in this event, you must register, which is available on the SME.RF Digital Platform in the section "Regional support measures", then you need to select the service "Registration for training events held by the Center "My Business".


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