A training on business scaling will be held in Kazan for the self-employed

27 October 2023, Friday

As part of the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium-sized entrepreneurship", the My Business Center will host a free training for the self-employed of Tatarstan on the topic "What's next? Scaling strategy".

Every developing small business reaches the point where it needs to scale. Scaling, first of all, is the growth of awareness, profit, indicators and turnover. 

They will tell you how to choose a scaling model and prepare the necessary ones at a free training.

The speaker of the event will beElvira Nabieva is a business expert with 25 years of experience in business planning and real investments, strategic and project management, head of the Children's Entrepreneurship Academy, mentor with many years of experience.

Within the framework of the event, she will analyze the case of each participant and jointly determine the directions and development strategies.

The training will take place on November 8 at 11:00 in the "My Business" Center at the address: Petersburgskaya st., 28.

Registration for the event is available on the SME.RF Digital Platform in the section "Regional support measures", then you need to select the service "Registration for training events held by the Center "My Business".

Let us recall that all the training activities of the Center "My Business" are free of charge and are implemented thanks to the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship".


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