A business meeting with IT companies was held in Kazan

25 October 2023, Wednesday

Representatives of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in the B. Rameev IT Park held a business meeting with the heads of startups and IT companies, where they talked about benefits and business opportunities. The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan under the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship".  

The participants were told about the support measures from the My Business Center for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as financial assistance for exporters. 

The speakers shared how to get advertising, certification, patent search services for free; how to get a preferential micro-loan from the state at minimum rates, how to export and find a partner abroad.

Everyone had the opportunity to ask experts questions and get information about the available support measures. 

Consultations on all possible support measures can be obtained in Kazan at the My Business Center and by calling the hotline +7(843)524-90-90, as well as in the districts of Tatarstan, addresses are available at the link https://clck.ru/367pxg


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