The Ministry of Economy of Tatarstan takes part in the international forum "Made in Russia"

20 October 2023, Friday

On October 19-20, the international forum "Made in Russia" is being held in Moscow as part of the national project "International Cooperation and Export". The forum is attended by representatives of small, medium and large businesses, the business community, heads of major international organizations, investors, heads of ministries and foreign guests. The First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan – Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development Natalia Kondratova also took part in the forum. 

Tatarstan business support institutes - subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan – Director of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan Aidar Salikhov and Head of the Export Support Center of the Republic of Tatarstan Albina Gergert also participated in the forum. 

In addition, Tatarstan entrepreneurs who have received state support from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan as part of the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium-sized entrepreneurship" are taking part in the forum. 

The event included plenary sessions, seminars, workshops and tournaments on the promotion of domestic goods and services in foreign markets. The forum participants are also discussing how, in general, it is possible to improve business conditions in Russia.    

"The Forum is the main event of the year for all exporting entrepreneurs. In addition to existing exporters, those who are just planning to scale their business, export and find new partners came to the forum. If entrepreneurs want to take their business to a new level, acquire foreign partners and bring their products to the international market, then let them come to our center, we will help," Albina Gergert said.


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