A training seminar for businesses on attracting new customers will be held in Kazan

19 October 2023, Thursday

As part of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship" with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, on October 24 at 13.00, the My Business Center together with the business community of women's entrepreneurship "Potok-Kazan" will hold a free training seminar on the topic: "The specialist-client relationship or how to make a client to fall in love with you and make him regular one?"

The speaker of the seminar will beRuzilya Khuzina, entrepreneur, head of a beauty studio, mentor for specialists in the beauty field.

Ruzilya will talk about the rules of working with clients, how to increase customer orientation, and also share life hacks "how to make a client fall in love with you and make him regular one".

Registration for the event is open on the SME.RF Digital Platform in the section "Regional support measures", then you need to select the service: "Registration for training events held by the Center "My Business".

Let us recall that free training events are held free of charge as part of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship", which was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation.

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