Entrepreneurs of Tatarstan can submit an online application for financing according to a single package of documents

11 October 2023, Wednesday

Small and medium-sized businesses of Tatarstan got the opportunity to issue microloans online according to a single package of documents for the whole country.

Service "Selection and receipt of microfinance" for registration of preferential financial state support was laucnhed on SME.RF Digital Platform. The service provides a single package of documents, a review period of three working days, an exhaustive list of grounds for refusal with reasons, filing and tracking the status of the application online. The borrower is also automatically checked for stop factors using digital profile data, which consists of 1200 business parameters.

"Small and medium-sized businesses have the opportunity to issue microloans online according to the standard package of documents and business processes for the whole country," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation.

He added that the leading state MFOs in the regions are already forming plans to issue microloans through a new online service. So, in the Republic of Tatarstan, at least 100 million rubles of microloans to businesses are planned to be issued by the end of the year.

The GMFO was created and coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Development to support small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the self-employed at the expense of federal, regional and local budgets. Their founders are regions and municipalities. GMFO provides microloans in the amount of up to 5 million rubles for up to three years at preferential rates.

The development of the business lending system is one of the tasks being solved within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized entrepreneurship". Its implementation is supervised by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov.

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