264 young and social entrepreneurs of Tatarstan applied for the grant

9 October 2023, Monday

264 applications were submitted for a grant for young and social entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan. Of the applicants, 73 are social enterprises, and 191 represent youth entrepreneurship up to and including 25 years. The results of the grant will be announced in November this year.

The minimum grant amount is 100 thousand rubles, the maximum is 500 thousand rubles if there is co–financing of at least 25% of the project cost, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds. You can use the funds received for expenses related to the implementation of business projects - rent or repair of premises, purchase of equipment or a vehicle and other business purposes.

Applications were accepted from August 24 to September 22 at the My Business Center. The selection took place within the framework of the implementation of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship". An additional condition for receiving grant support was the passage of training programs from the Center "My Business.

"For three months, the My Business Center of the Republic of Tatarstan has been conducting a series of trainings on the development of social and youth entrepreneurship, filling out application documentation with the involvement of experienced mentors and experts," said Linara Burkhanova, First Deputy Director General of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, head of the My Business Center.

According to the results of the selection of the competition commission this year, 119 business entities received support for the implementation and development of projects within the framework of the federal national SME project in the amount of 47 million rubles within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship".

For support of SMEs and receiving free services from the "My Business" of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, entrepreneurs can contact the Center's hotline at +7(843)524-90-90.

National projects are implemented in the country on the initiative and on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.


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