More than 11 thousand services in electronic form under the national SME project were received by businesses in Tatarstan in the first half of the year

20 July 2023, Thursday

Tatarstan Center "My Business" has provided more than 11 thousand free services under the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship" to businesses, self-employed and individuals planning to start an entrepreneurial activity. All services are received digitally. 

"In the first 6 months of the year, more than 2 thousand small and medium-sized businesses presented their products at federal exhibitions, entered marketplaces, received training for business development and professional competencies, improved their qualifications, gained access to reporting and EDI services," sharedLinara Burkhanova, First Deputy General Director of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan — Head of the Center "My Business.

Also, over 300 self-employed people took part in exhibition and fair events on the territory of the republic, including the 3-day fair "I am Tatarstan" during the Days of Russian Entrepreneurship, where they earned more than 10 million rubles.

On the basis of the My Business Center, online training for social contract recipients takes place monthly. Online training is aimed at learning the basics of entrepreneurship and drawing up a business plan for the implementation of a business project. To date, more than 850 people have already been trained. Let us recall that the amount of a one-time payment is up to 350 thousand rubles, the amount depends on the business plan. The next training will take place from July 25 to July 28, 2023.

Today, the My Business Center provides a whole range of services for different business needs. Now you can apply on the Digital Platform of SME.RF for the following free services:

  • access to the service for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, FIU, FSS, ROSSTAT, Central Bank of the Russian Federation for one year;
  • placement of products on marketplaces for MSPs and the self-employed;
  • financing the development of a business plan of enterprises for the winners of the Student Startup program;
  • access to the service for electronic document management;
  • conducting patent research and search;
  • training with further promotion of products through the services of automatic launch of online advertising;
  • professional development or retraining of employees of the SME entity
  • training forums-marathons to promote products on marketplaces for SMEs;
  • advertising on digital screens throughout Russia for SMEs and self-employed citizens, etc. 

We remind you that the support programs are implemented on the basis of the Tatarstan Center "My Business" within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship", which was initiated by the President and overseen by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov. 

For advice to receive free services, you can contact the hotline of the Center "My Business" at the number: +7(843)524-90-90.


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