FAS: In 2022, in 12 commodity markets, the key indicators of the competition development standard have been achieved by 100%

18 April 2023, Tuesday

In the remaining 20 markets, the achievement level is from 90 to 100%. This was announced by the State Secretary - Deputy Head of the FAS of Russia Sergey Puzyrevsky within the framework of the annual seminar on the development of competition in the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of the UMC of the FAS of Russia, which was held on April 13-14 in Kazan. The event was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan – Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midhat Shagiakhmetov. In addition, more than 100 representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 23 territorial bodies of the FAS of Russia took part in the seminar.

The seminar discussed the role of competition in the development of the economy of the regions, the introduction of a system of antimonopoly legislation by the authorities, as well as the reform of unitary enterprises. In addition, within the framework of the seminar, the first meeting of the Expert Council for the Development of Competition in the Regions under the FAS of Russia took place this year.

Sergey Puzyrevsky noted that the seminar contributes to the dissemination of the positive experience of the regions to the commodity markets throughout the country. In his opinion, competition should not be an end in itself, but an effective tool for improving the quality of life of our citizens.

For example, digital import substitution services are actively developing in the Republic of Tatarstan. The region maintains a register of purchased imported products to assess the need for the production of import-substituted goods, in which there are more than 139 thousand items. Also in the Republic there is a service "Replacement proposals" to collect proposals from manufacturers and sellers on the supply of necessary products.

"In general, the work carried out by the republic on the development of competition characterizes its leading positions in the federal rating, Tatarstan is annually in the group of leading regions among all subjects of Russia – the republic took the fifth place last year, the third place among the regions of the Volga Federal District," Midhat Shagiakhmetov said.

A Portal of foreign economic activity has been created in the Sverdlovsk region, which is both a trading platform and a catalog of exporters, as well as a source of information about events and measures to support export-oriented businesses. Now it is used by 120,000 unique users from 152 countries around the world.

In the Amur and Voronezh regions, measures are being implemented to support local producers, as well as social support for residents through a system of discounts on goods in local stores.

A moratorium on making decisions on raising regional taxes for legal entities and individuals in 2022 has been introduced in the Novosibirsk Region.

In the Saratov region, small and medium-sized businesses are provided with a subsidy to reimburse 90% of the first lease payment for the purchase of agricultural machinery, modern digital lathes, sets of refrigeration equipment.

Head of the Department for Interaction with Territorial Authorities and Coordination of Competition Development Projects of the FAS of Russia Oksana Kuznetsova drew attention to the decrease in the number of violations of antimonopoly legislation by the authorities. By the end of 2022, compared to 2017, the number of such violations decreased by more than 59%.

In addition, last year the total number of unitary enterprises decreased by 36.5%. The largest decrease is observed in the North Caucasus Federal District (by 45.2%), in the Northwestern Federal District (by 39.6%), the Central Federal District (by 38.8%). In the Moscow Region, in some areas, unitary enterprises have been completely liquidated in competitive markets – in the field of trade, funeral services, outdoor advertising, tourism, communications, passenger transportation.

We also discussed new approaches to issues related to the provision of preferences as another tool to support participants in commodity markets. In his report, the Head of the Control and Financial Department Anton Teslenko noted that over the past year, the service has done a lot of work to increase transparency and systematize this process, as well as simplify the procedure for granting preferences for certain purposes, including support for small businesses: two federal laws and explanations of the Presidium of the FAS of Russia have been adopted.


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