Self-employed of Tatarstan set a record for Russia

30 August 2022, Tuesday

Today in Tatarstan, on Republic Day, a Russian record was set - the longest self-employed counter in the country, 245.5 meters, is located near the walls of the Kazan Kremlin. The record was recorded as part of a large-scale fair of products of Tatarstan self-employed "I am Tatarstan", organized by the Ministry of Economy and the Center "My Business" of the region.

More than 300 self-employed people from all over the republic presented wood, leather, chinaware, designer jewelry, farm products, toys, home decor items and other products of their own production in Kazan. Such things embody the national and modern flavor of Tatarstan, and anyone who buys them is fascinated by the republic, gets to know it better. That is why one can say without hesitation about local masters - they are Tatarstan!

The event was opened by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov. He visited the fair, talked to the self-employed, congratulated the people of Tatarstan on the holiday and in a solemn atmosphere received a certificate of fixing the record of Russia - "The longest trade counter in Russia."

“We see that the experiment of introducing a special tax regime - a tax on professional income, which started in 2019, is successful. Today, the republic occupies one of the leading positions in the country, and this, among other things, is the merit of our self-employed, of whom more than 208 thousand are already registered in Tatarstan, and this is not the limit, we daily record the growth of citizens who have decided to start their own business. To support our active Tatarstan residents, we have a whole range of federal and republican support measures,” the Minister of Economy noted.

Midkhat Shagiakhmetov also expressed his gratitude to business and large enterprises that work for the benefit of the republic and shape the economy and well-being of the region.

Large-scale fairs to promote the products of the self-employed of the republic are held by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund and the My Business Center for the 4th year in a row and have become a good tradition. For the preparation of events, the Ministry attracts business and expert organizations, which makes it possible to make a really demanded and high-quality product for business. This format helps the self-employed to tell about themselves and their business, to find new clients and like-minded people.

It should be noted that Tatarstan was identified as one of the four pilot regions, where in 2019 a special tax regime was introduced as an experiment - "Tax on professional income". Since the beginning of the special tax regime, self-employed republics have issued more than 40 million checks with an average amount of about 1.5 thousand rubles. Their total income exceeded 60 billion rubles.

Traditionally, along with the fair, there is a forum for self-employed citizens. The forum is aimed at discussing topical issues that artisans face when doing business. The forum program includes master classes and lectures from leading experts and speakers.

Support for self-employed Tatarstan residents is carried out within the framework of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives".

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