59 enterprises of Tatarstan were included in the list of backbone organizations of the country

4 May 2022, Wednesday

59 enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan are included in the list of backbone organizations of the Russian economy. These are enterprises operating in the automotive, chemical, shipbuilding, oil and electricity production, agriculture, education and other sectors of the economy. The inclusion of organizations in the list allows them to qualify for federal support measures - soft loans, subsidies and government guarantees.

The federal register this year, under the pressure of sanctions, was replenished with 28 more organizations from the Republic of Tatarstan. Inclusion in the list allows organizations of the republic to receive preferential loans from Russian banks for up to 12 months in the amount of up to 10 billion rubles and 30 billion, if we are talking about a group of individuals.

Last week, the Government of the country launched new programs of concessional lending to backbone organizations of the transport complex, information technology, as well as construction and housing and communal services with a preferential rate of 11% per annum. The terms of the soft lending program for the backbone organizations of the agro-industrial complex have been expanded. The maximum loan amount for them has now been increased from 5 to 7 billion rubles.

Also, backbone enterprises can apply for subsidies to finance the costs of production of goods and state guarantees necessary for the restructuring of existing or issuance of new loans and bonded loans.

These measures will make it possible to ensure the utilization of the capacities of enterprises and their continuous operation in the new economic conditions, on which the preservation of employment in Tatarstan largely depends.

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