A hotline for entrepreneurs operates in Tatarstan

20 April 2022, Wednesday

To advise the business of the republic on current support measures in the face of sanctions pressure, a hotline operates, where any entrepreneur can receive information on problematic issues of interest to him, as well as leave his proposals.

A free consultation is provided by regional representatives of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund subordinated to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. It should be noted that regional representatives operate in 13 municipalities of Tatarstan - entrepreneurs can turn to them for support without leaving the region. Contact information is available on the website of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in the My Business Center section.

In the period from February 24 to April 20, specialists received about 1,700 hotline calls. More often, entrepreneurs asked for advice on microloans and non-financial support measures, on import substitution, filing applications through digital platforms - MSP.RF, FASTTREK.RF, and requests for grants, credit holidays and support for self-employed citizens were also recorded.

You can get advice on all issues related to entrepreneurial activity, leave suggestions, and select support measures for specific business needs by calling the hotline: 8(843) 524-90-90.

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