A conference for exporter entrepreneurs #Myexport 2021 was held in Kazan

11 December 2021, Saturday

The Entrepreneur's House hosted a conference on foreign economic activity #Myexport 2021.  

The event was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, and the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan. The conference was attended by over fifty entrepreneurs interested in promoting to international markets.

In his speech, the Director General of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of RT Aidar Salikhov spoke about the support measures that SMEs can use during the period of anti-covid restrictions. So, a preferential micro-loan "One percent" is available to entrepreneurs. This product provides for the possibility of obtaining a loan in the amount of 200 thousand to 2 million rubles for up to 2 years. The loan amount of up to 300 thousand rubles does not involve collateral and can be received by the entrepreneur within two days from the date of submission of the application and the necessary package of documents, Aidar Salikhov noted.

The head of the Export Support Center Artur Gainov spoke about the results of the current year. The total volume of exports of enterprises that work with the Center amounted to 30 million US dollars. We are talking about 70 enterprises. Among them are successful examples of entrepreneurs who sold their products on electronic trading platforms and entered markets that were not previously available. According to Artur Gainov, the volume of exports of the Republic of Tatarstan in the first 9 months of 2021 increased by 2.5 billion US dollars compared to the same period in 2020 and amounted to 9 billion US dollars, the share of non-primary non-energy exports was 30%, where positive dynamics is also observed, in 2018 the value of this indicator was 20%, in 2019 - 23%.
After the official part, work began on sections. The main topics of the conference were the nuances of working on international marketplaces, innovations in customs control in 2021, export marketing, currency legislation and control, certification and unified rules for participants in foreign economic activity.

The event was also attended by the Head of the International Projects Department of TradeProff Irina Slepneva, Lieutenant Colonel of the Customs Service, Certified Federal Coach of the REC Export School Alexey Kapranov, mentor in regional export acceleration programs, teacher at the Russian School of Management Marina Vakulenko, Certified Federal coach of the REC Export School, expert of the Russian Tax Portal, full member of the Institute of Internal Auditors Elena Kapanova.

The event was held in an offline format, during the conference, entrepreneurs could not only gain theoretical knowledge, but also ask questions and work out real business cases with the speakers. Such meetings allow exporters to study the mechanisms of entering foreign markets and online platforms and implement the product with the least risk. 



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