Deputy Director of the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan will talk about business support on the air of the Business-FM radio station

17 September 2021, Friday

Ilnur Siraev, Deputy Director of the Regional Guarantee Fund subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, will tell about attracting financing for business development under state guarantees on the air of the Business-FM radio station on September 23 at 14:15 and 20:15.

On the air of the radio station, the speaker will touch on the issues of the lack of collateral from entrepreneurs, which is required by financial organizations when attracting debt financing, obtaining guarantee support at reduced rates, the availability of state guarantees for various categories of businesses and the self-employed.

In addition, the topic of support for farmers in the conditions of abnormally hot summer and residents of industrial parks and other infrastructure support facilities will be touched upon, the speaker will also answer questions from the audience.

One can get acquainted with the current support programs of the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan on the agency's website: or by phone 8 (843) 293-16-94.


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