The total income of Tatarstan's self-employed exceeded 27.1 billion rubles

27 July 2021, Tuesday

Today, more than 134.5 thousand self-employed people are registered in Tatarstan. Over the entire period of the special tax regime, the total income of Tatarstan's self-employed exceeded 27ю1 billion rubles.

The development of the institute of self-employed citizens this year is one of the priorities at the level of the country's leadership, which is reflected in the national goals – the federal project on creating favorable conditions for self-employed citizens to carry out activities is included in the national "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative".

The increase in the self-employed is recorded in all municipalities of the republic, which indicates the simplicity and convenience of this form of doing business. In addition, the "Professional Income Tax" is one of the alternatives to the UTII, which has ceased to operate in Russia, starting this year. A citizen has the right to choose a tax regime if he does not plan to attract hired employees and does not conduct activities related to the sale of goods, except for products of his own production. During the period of the special tax regime, the self-employed of the republic paid more than 850.9 million rubles of taxes.

In turn, the Entrepreneurship Support Fund subordinate to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan provides comprehensive support to self-employed citizens of the region. Microfinance is available for them on preferential terms up to 500 thousand rubles for a period of up to two years with a rate equal to the key Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Also this year, the Support Fund provides the self-employed with a service for placing and promoting the products of self-employed citizens on marketplaces and a service for participating in exhibition and fair events.

In addition, to improve the level of legal and financial literacy, as well as expand the markets for the products of the self-employed, the Ministry regularly conducts exhibition and fair events, forums and training webinars. To assist self-employed citizens, additional financial support of up to 100 thousand rubles will be provided.

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