The system of support of local producers was supplemented by large customers

22 July 2019, Monday

The number of procurement procedures in the System of support of products of Tatarstan manufacturers for two weeks increased from 24 to 428.

The system of support of products of Tatarstan manufacturers continues to increase its potential. Today, 114 enterprises have registered through a new tool created to stimulate industrial production in the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises. The catalog of products increased to 728 items. The number of procurement procedures performed increased to 428, and the number of districts whose enterprises were included in the system increased to 29.

At the same time, the largest catalog of products is formed in Elabuga district. Here, entrepreneurs offer to purchase 119 products. The city of Kazan and Menzelinsky district follow Elabuga district.

Significant support for the development of the System had a check-in and active participation of such large customers as "BAHETLE-1", "AK BARS Development", "KAZAN ARENA" and "Tatspirtprom".

Recall, last week it became known that the practice of Tatarstan to promote local products will be distributed in the Volga Federal district.

As the Minister of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Abdulganiev noted at the end of the first meeting of the interdepartmental working group on the creation of an Interregional marketing center of the VFR, stimulating the development of local industrial production and support for small and medium-sized businesses is one of the main tasks in the development of the economy in VFR. Working in cooperation and sharing successful practices, we will be able to significantly improve our results and speed up the time to achieve our goals.


For reference:

The system for promoting products of Tatarstan production began work on may 7, 2019. The new tool is developed in the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and created on the basis of resources of the Federal electronic trading platform 

The value of the System to promote the products of Tatarstan production is that it provides small and medium-sized businesses with information about the needs within the country in a particular product with a description of all the characteristics and the required volume of purchases. Having this information, the local manufacturer through the created System will be able to offer its conditions for the replacement of the required products to the domestic analogue that meets all the conditions of the customer.

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