The first self-employed signed a contract on exchange platform

3 July 2019, Wednesday

On July 3, a contract was signed between the taxpayer for professional income Alexei Belov and the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan for the manufacture and installation of aluminum door plates.

The supplier was selected on the basis of auction results on the exchange platform of the Agency for the state order of the Republic of Tatarstan. The price of the contract amounted to 43 860 rubles. Alexey Belov undertakes to fulfill the terms of the contract within 2 weeks.

"This is the first contract signed by a self-employed citizen on exchange platform and we are pleased to show an example both to potential customers and freelancers who are ready to offer their services on the exchange platform, – commented the Minister of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Abdulganiev. – A special resource for self-employed was created on the exchange platform in April 2019. Registration there allows the self-employed to gain access to a guaranteed market for the supply of goods, works and services to regulated customers. To help, we have also created a special section "Offers for self-employed" on the exchange platform, indicating all proposals for the implementation of works, services and supplies of goods of their own production."

Alexey Belov is officially self-employed since March 2019. He works as a design engineer in the field of advertising, and the manufacture of plates for him is an additional part-time job: "I take my son to gymnastics training, there we talked with the coach about the fact that he wants to either register an individual entrepreneur or become self-employed. I read about the new tax regime, it seemed to me quite interesting." According to his words, it's very easy to work with exchange platform. "I studied the question, went to Entrepreneur house, attended some lectures", he said.

Today 17 thousand self-employed citizens are registered in Tatarstan.

The new tax regime allowed self-employed citizens to come out of the shadows, while creating favorable tax conditions for them, freeing them from the need to provide tax and accounting reports, keep a book of income and expenses. The tax regime provides a simple and clear system for registration and tax registration, working with customers, taxes payment   and interaction with tax inspection.

Entrepreneurs, who works with self-employed citizens are exempt from the need for reporting and payment of personal income tax for them. They can account receipts from self-employed for their expenses. In addition to this, within the framework of this tax regime, both the transaction itself and the interests of the contractor and the customer are protected in comparison with a similar transaction outside the legal field.  The new tax regime can be used by individuals and sole traders, the amount of income of which does not exceed 2.4 million rubles in the course of the year.

For many citizens the status of self-employed is a good start, as well as the opportunity to enter the legal field and earn income without the risk of getting a fine for illegal business activities. Legalization of their income, the possibility of forming an income statement will help to confirm the solvency and get a loan for housing, education and much more.

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