Deputy Minister Bulat Haziahmetov took part in work of the meeting of Personnel Committee of the Association "INNOKAM"

13 October 2017, Friday

The regular meeting of the Personnel Committee of the Association "INNOKAM" took place on October 13, 2017 in the city of Elabuga within scope of the Road-show "My city. My talent".

The report of the Deputy Minister Bulat Haziahmetov was dedicated to the arrangement of training for enterprises of the Association "INNOKAM" under the program - "Managing the rights for intellectual property and their commercialization".

Having noted the high innovation potential and investment attraction of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the high position of the Republic in the ranking of Rospatent on applications for intellectual property objects and their use, Deputy Minister of Economy also highlighted the problematic issues in the area of intellectual property development.

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