The Minister of Economy of Tatarstan Artyom Zdunov took part in Conference "Tatarstan 2030: the human capital for future economy"

14 November 2014, Friday
On November 14, 2014 in IT park hold conference "Tatarstan 2030: the human capital for future economy" where basic provisions of the preparing first edition of Strategy of social and economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan for the period till 2030 were considered. At the beginning of conference plenary session "Tatarstan 2030: on the way to global competitiveness" took place which was opened by the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - the minister of informatization and communication of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov and the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Artyom Zdunov.
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