The number of small and medium-sized enterprises in Tatarstan has reached 178 thousand

28 January 2025, Tuesday

The number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country has already reached 6.59 million, according to the data from the register of SMEs. In Tatarstan, this figure exceeded 178 thousand.

The result is a record since the start of the registry in 2016 and is largely due to the creation of over 1 million legal entities and sole proprietors in 2024. Using this base, the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses should now achieve high-quality growth, said Alexander Novak, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, who oversees the national project "Efficient and Competitive Economy."

"The implementation of the goals and objectives outlined by the President in 2024 will be facilitated by the transition from quantitative growth to qualitative development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the formation of a supply-side economy and the development of technological sovereignty in priority areas. Today, the most effective tools for business development are being fine-tuned, which will become the main mechanisms for new specialized federal and national projects for the period up to 2030," noted Alexander Novak.

By the end of 2024, the average monthly revenue of small and medium-sized enterprises, according to KKT, amounted to 1.7 trillion rubles for microenterprises, 0.6 trillion rubles for small and 0.2 trillion rubles for medium-sized companies. The average revenue per SME increased by 11.2%, exceeding annual inflation.

"The relevant ministries and departments face the task of ensuring faster income growth per employee of small and medium-sized businesses by 2030. To this end, support for SMEs will be increased, stimulating the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and realizing their potential so that enterprises grow and move from one category to higher ones. Together with solving other strategic tasks, this will ensure the achievement of the goals set by the presidential decree," said the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov.

The implementation of a new federal project aimed at achieving the goal of the presidential decree to ensure real income growth per employee of an SME 1.2 times higher than GDP growth is aimed at implementing bank loans, preferential microloans from state microfinance organizations, guarantees, guarantees, preferential leasing, acceleration programs for various categories, and services from the My Business centers. The strategy of the SME Corporation until 2030 is also aimed at achieving the indicator from the decree.

"This primarily concerns manufacturing, IT, hospitality, and small technology companies. The entire range of effective and demanded business tools will be used for the development of SMEs. First of all, these are umbrella guarantees for SME Corporations, preferential leasing of industrial equipment, preferential investment loans, and a number of others. New tools will also be added to the existing mechanisms that meet the needs of entrepreneurs and the goals of the state," said Alexander Isaevich, CEO of SME Corporation.

According to the results of the third quarter of 2024, the number of people employed in the SME sector amounted to almost 29.5 million people, or 39% of the total number of the country's working population. In Tatarstan, small and medium-sized businesses provide more than 40% of jobs. Today, 828.5 thousand people work at small and medium-sized enterprises in Tatarstan.


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