Practical issues of conducting regulatory impact assessment in municipalities were discussed in Tatarstan

20 September 2024, Friday

During the event, issues of conducting a qualitative analysis of projects within the framework of the RIA and preparing appropriate conclusions, as well as problems arising during the implementation of the procedure, were discussed.

Within the framework of the seminar, an analysis of the official websites of municipalities and urban districts of the republic was also carried out for the completeness and quality of the content of sections related to RIA and the examination of municipal regulatory legal acts. Accents and priorities were set in the work on RIA and expertise.

Such training events are designed to improve the quality of the development of the RIA mechanism at the level of municipalities (urban districts), they are held on a regular basis," said Gulnaz Ilnurovna Ismagilova, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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