A seminar on the "Property for Business" service of the SME.RF Digital platform will be held for entrepreneurs.

30 January 2024, Tuesday

The SME Corporation invites entrepreneurs of Tatarstan on February 1, 2024, at 11.00 a.m., to an online seminar on working on the Property for Business Service. The service has collected all information about available property of various forms of ownership for small and medium-sized businesses in one aggregator on the Digital platform of SME.RF.

Registration for the seminar takes place via the link.

Currently, the database contains more than 48 thousand vacant objects, it is constantly updated with information from 85 regions and more than 7.5 thousand municipalities. When choosing the Republic of Tatarstan for business, 1021 real estate objects will be offered. 

The seminar will tell you about the capabilities, functions and operation of the service. For example, with the help of a new service on the SME.RF Digital Platform entrepreneurs can find a convenient office space, choose a suitable site for the development of production or choose a land plot that meets their needs. 

When developing the Property for Business service, emphasis was placed on simplicity, convenience and speed of search. Having selected an object according to the necessary criteria, the entrepreneur does not need to figure out on which electronic platform the competitive procedures will take place and where to look for the owner. Each offer has its own link to the bidding page and a contact for contacting the copyright holder. 

To select the necessary property, it is enough to log in to the SME.RF through the "Public Services" and specify the parameters for creating a list of objects.

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the self-employed or individuals can use the new service on the Digital Platform. At the same time, the catalog contains property that is available at auction only to entrepreneurs who are included in the register of small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed, large companies are not allowed to participate in these auctions. Such objects are marked with special labels in the catalog.

Let us recall that the digital platform for small and medium-sized businesses was developed by the SME Corporation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Among its tasks is to increase the availability of services and support measures for small and medium-sized businesses. The creation and development of the Digital Platform is provided for by the national project "Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". It was initiated by the President Vladimir Putin, oversees the implementation of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov.

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