Information about charitable foundations and NGOs may appear on Public Services

26 January 2024, Friday

The assistance platform developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Ministry of Finance, through which people will be able to receive social services from non-profit organizations, charities and social businesses, should be synchronized with Public Services. This was announced by the Director General of ASI Svetlana Chupsheva during a visit to the inclusive center "Everything for Children" in Kazan.

"We are now collecting a platform of assistance from the Ministry of Finance. It will bring together businesses and NGOs that provide services and facilities in various life situations. We are ready to start with several pilot regions," Svetlana Chupsheva said. 

Through such a platform, it will be possible to learn about communities and social organizations. One example of such an NGO is the inclusive center "Everything for Children" in Kazan, where mothers of children with special needs work, and specialists work with their children during mothers' working hours. The inclusive center includes a workshop for sewing special clothes for children with special needs, a coworking, separate rooms are provided for classes with children.

According to the author of the project, the mother of a special child, Dalia Gainanova, at the center you can learn sewing and stay at work or already start sewing clothes for children yourself. Students of the correctional school also study here, so that in the future they can be employed here in production. Various meetings, workshops, and film screenings are held in the co-working. 30-40 families visit the center every week.

"In order to raise a special child, the mother herself must be in the resource. And this is a good mood, an opportunity to earn money, to realize your potential. Here they can work as self-employed and open sole proprietors. Mothers of special children, as a rule, do not socialize, because they do not have the opportunity to leave a child with someone. We have a special children's room for this, where volunteers from various universities come and work with children," said Dalia Gainanova.

The project has already been announced at the forum "Strong Ideas for a new time", a total of 335 projects and proposals for the development of the country have been received from Tatarstan. Some of them were discussed during the business mission of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and VEB.RF to the republic.

Dalia Gainanova added that the creation of the center was a continuation of the work on the development of the GT dress clothing brand for children with disabilities. Now there are more than 30 items in the assortment: bodysuit dresses, trousers with rivets, adaptive jumpsuits. More than 11 thousand garments are produced per year. Over 5 thousand products have been donated to charitable foundations for past three years. The GT dress brand Dalia Gainanova submitted to the competition of growing Russian brands "Know Ours", organized by ASI and the Roscongress Foundation. The co-organizer is VEB.RF. Tatarstan is today the most active participant in the brand competition among the regions of Russia. Of the nine thousand applications, about 1.7 thousand were received from Tatarstan.

The development of local brands was also discussed at a strategic session held within the framework of the ASI and VEB.RF business mission. Its goal is to jointly form projects and programs for the development of the republic and the country as a whole.

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