Anti-crisis measures in public procurement extended to 2024

15 January 2024, Monday

In the new year, customers were allowed to change the essential terms of contracts due to force majeure and not require collateral. The government's right to establish additional cases of non-competitive procurement was retained, but similar powers of the regions were limited. 

Until December 31, 2024, the right of the parties, at the customer's suggestion, to increase or decrease the number of medicines, medical products and consumables under the contract within 30% was extended. As before, when volumes decrease, they are obliged to reduce the contract price proportionally, and when they increase, they have the right to increase it proportionally.

Also, by the end of 2024, customers were allowed not to require contract enforcement and warranty obligations. The exception is that the contract provided for an advance payment, which is not subject to treasury support.

The law extended the Government's right to establish additional procurement cases from a single supplier. The government approves a list of goods, works, and services that the regions will be able to purchase from a single supplier and determines the procedure for conducting these procedures.

In the new year, a number of customers, when determining the volume of purchases from SMP and SONKO, will not include purchases of medical products and medicines for medical use in the calculation of the total annual volume of procurement.

We are talking about customers from among federal and regional executive authorities, subordinate institutions or unitary enterprises, as well as municipal medical organizations.

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