In Innopolis, for the first time, drone delivery will be tested within the city limits

22 December 2023, Friday

Within the framework of the experimental legal regime (ELR), it is planned for the first time to allow the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles within urban boundaries. The experiment may start as early as 2024 in Innopolis (Tatarstan). This was stated by Vladimir Voloshin, Director of the Department of Digital Economy of the Ministry of Economic Development, speaking at the International Forum of Digital Technologies in the field of transport and logistics "DIGITAL TRANSPORTATION".

"It is planned that the operation will begin in early 2024. This is the first ELR program on urban air mobility. Now all types of drones will be used in Innopolis: ground deliverers, autonomous robotaxy and now aerial delivery by drones," Vladimir Voloshin said.

According to Maxim Mysev, director of telecommunications projects at the initiator of the establishment of the ELR, Center for the Organization of the Movement of Unmanned Vehicles LLC, the technological basis of the project is the digital integration platform for flight information services of UAS, which controls the movement of drones, including a "swarm of drones".

A "swarm of drones" is several drones moving automatically along their routes within the framework of embedded programs, which are controlled by a single operator. The digital platform is really working now, but the principles that were laid down when it was created will allow you to organize the movement of drones even after increasing their number in the air. A distinctive feature of the ELR is the urban environment of its implementation. We hope to create such a mechanism of urban air mobility that can be scaled to any locality in Russia," Maxim Mysev said.

The use of drones is in demand in many sectors of the economy. Based on the experience of establishing ELR, the use of drones in the fields of aerology, agriculture, fire monitoring and extinguishing, aerial photography and other types of aviation work is being scaled up.

"Today we have installed 6 ELRs for unmanned aerial vehicles in 21 regions of the Russian Federation. 56 different companies use the ELR mechanism to test unmanned technologies, the experience gained in the future will be the basis for improving general regulation," Vladimir Voloshin stressed.

Today, there are 12 ELR programs in various areas throughout the country. The practice of establishing them began in March 2022. This allows 95 participating companies to test technologies in the following areas: unmanned ground and air transport, medical technologies, including telemedicine (28 companies participate), an experiment on the territory, and public services.

The implementation of the ELR mechanism directly corresponds to the goals of the Unmanned Aviation Development Strategy and the national project "Unmanned Aviation Systems", which is supervised by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Andrey Belousov.

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