The number of people employed in industrial parks of the republic has increased by 6.4 thousand people this year

23 November 2023, Thursday

Industrial parks of the republic are an effective mechanism for creating jobs and developing small and medium-sized businesses. In the republic, according to the results of 9 months of 2023, the number of employees at industrial parks amounted to 62.1 thousand people, which is 6.4 thousand more people compared to the beginning of 2023. First Deputy Minister of Economy Natalia Kondratova told.

The volume of shipped products amounted to 336.9 billion rubles. 

"In order for existing enterprises to continue their work on the territory of industrial parks, as well as to create new production facilities ready to produce import-substituting products, the implementation of tools for management companies and residents of accredited industrial parks continues, who can take advantage of financial support measures in the form of loans for the construction of infrastructure up to 30 million rubles and the purchase of equipment up to 15 million rubles, preferential leasing up to 20 million rubles, guarantees up to 50 million rubles, as well as tax preferences," the speaker said at a press conference dedicated to the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship" 

Natalia Kondratova said that today the average occupancy rate of industrial parks in the republic is 64.7%, the task is to bring this figure to 70% by the end of 2023. 

The speaker also noted that an important factor for maintaining the pace and quality of economic growth in the republic is the promotion of investments. And one of the basic tools for improving the investment climate and working with investors is the Regional Investment Standard, whose task is to shorten the investor's path from the emergence of an idea to the implementation of capital investments. 

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