KSMU students have been trained in generating business ideas

23 October 2023, Monday

On October 20, the My Business Center held a training "Generating a business idea" at Kazan State Medical University. The training was organized within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship". Participation in the lesson is free of charge.

The 2nd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry took part in the training. 

The speaker, Mikhail Untura is a certified trainer, head of the Center for Innovation in the Social Sphere of the Center "My Business" of the Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan. He spoke about the experience of other entrepreneurs, shared useful tools and other solutions that will reduce the time at the start of a business and help to achieve results faster.

He talked about an important stage of building a business - generating ideas. Participants were taught how to create unique and viable business ideas that can exist in economic realities. Also, future dentists learned what criteria a successful business should meet, how to develop a project, evaluate the possibility of implementing a business idea.

All trainings and master classes from the My Business Center are free of charge and are suitable for entrepreneurs, self-employed and persons planning to open their own business. 

To get advice on the services and support measures available to entrepreneurs of the region, you can call the hotline of the center "My Business": +7 (843) 524-90-90.


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