Business associations confirmed the implementation of the regional investment standard in Tatarstan

14 October 2023, Saturday

A plenary session of the forum "Regional Investment Standard – 2023" was held in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov took part. During the event, Delovaya Rossiya, the RF TPP, the RSPP and the Ministry of Economic Development jointly presented the results of the assessment of the implementation of the regional investment standard in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Business associations of Tatarstan confirmed the introduction of a regional investment standard in the republic.

As Andrey Belousov commented: "In general, it can be noted that the estimates of the implementation of the standard in the regions of the country are quite high – in the range from 80 to 90% on average. At the same time, according to the results of the assessment, it is clear that there is still something to work on. Especially in the field of informing regional investors and improving the quality of interaction between investors, regional teams and resource-supplying organizations. It is necessary to move on to continuous work to improve the investment climate. And this work should be aimed at the final result — the volume of investments in the region."

"In 2023, business associations assessed the implementation of the regional investment standard in 85 regions of the country. More than 3,600 entrepreneurs with existing investment projects of 50 million rubles took part in the assessment, which is 4.5 times more than last year, – said Alexey Repik, Chairman of Delovaya Rossiya at the plenary session of the forum. – Entrepreneurs have confirmed the implementation of the standard in 70 regions, the rest still need to carry out serious work," said Alexey Repik, Chairman of Delovaya Rossiya.

Tatarstan was one of the first to implement all the elements of the investment standard. The Republic constantly stimulates investment activity. The Investment Development Agency operates as a single window. A set of investment rules has been formed, an investment declaration has been approved, a convenient map and an informative investment portal are working. 

In addition, within the framework of the forum, a meeting of the State Council Commission on Investments was held, during which the participants, among other things, discussed the system of encouraging socially responsible business. A series of thematic workshops were also held on the sidelines of the forum: they discussed the interaction of resource companies and government agencies, preferential regimes, a system for collecting feedback and informing investors. 

In total, the forum "Regional Investment Standard – 2023" gathered more than 700 participants from 81 subjects of the country. The event dedicated to improving the investment climate in Russian regions is being held for the second time. Last year, the forum was held in the Moscow region.


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