Protection of investments in investment projects was one of the topics of the meeting of the Investors Club

24 October 2022, Monday

The meeting of the Investors Club was held today in the IT-Park named after. Bashir Rameev. Yulai Minnullin, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, was one of the speakers at the event. He told the participants of the event about the adoption of legislative initiatives in Tatarstan to protect investments in investment projects.

It was about a set of measures that ensure the protection of capital investments by stabilizing the regulatory environment for a period of 6 to 20 years, approved at the legislative level among the first in the country by the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Law on SZPK will allow creating predictable conditions for the implementation of projects for investors and obtaining the expected result through a “stabilization clause” for 6, 10.15 or 20 years, depending on the volume of capital investments provided for in the project and areas.

“Over the course of large-scale long-term projects, the working conditions for investors remain unchanged in terms of export customs duties and fees for the use of forest, land, water resources, environmental and recycling fees, as well as the provision of state support measures,” said Yulai Minnullin.

In addition, the SZPK mechanism will make it possible to remove infrastructure restrictions in the implementation of investment projects in the territory of the republic through the reimbursement of investor's costs for infrastructure in the amount of taxes paid by them.

“The entire procedure for concluding an SZPK, monitoring its implementation, and providing support measures will be carried out through the specialized state information system Capital Investments. It allows you to conclude SZPK in electronic form. On the basis of the system, a register of SZPK projects is maintained, monitoring of their implementation, reimbursement of costs and provision of tax deductions,” said the Deputy Minister of Economy of the region.

Head of the Investment Promotion Agency Taliya Minullina reminded the meeting participants that the Tatarstan Investors Club is the most stable platform for dialogue, despite any external conditions and challenges.

“The difference between this meeting and the rest is the format of a question-and-answer discussion, during which we will learn more about how we can additionally help our investors in this busy time for the economy,” the head of the Agency said in her speech.

Minister of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan Oleg Korobchenko told the participants about new measures to support business, and also invited participants to supplier days, which are regularly held at large enterprises of the republic.

Business Ombudsman Farid Abdulganiev presented the opportunities that marketplaces open up for business, and the conditions for cooperation with electronic trading platforms, as well as support tools operating in the region for developing digital markets.

Yakov Geller, General Director of the State Order Agency, spoke about the tool for collecting information on import-substituting products produced in the country, the Import Substitution Center.

The final part of the event was devoted to the dialogue between speakers and Club members, where topical issues of cargo logistics, sales, pricing, search for new investment niches and sales markets were discussed.

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