Tatarstan has mastered 18.3 billion rubles allocated for the implementation of national projects in 2019

14 November 2019, Thursday

At the beginning of November, Tatarstan within the framework of national projects has mastered 71.3% of the annual plan, or 18.3 billion rubles. This was announced today By the Minister of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Abdulganiev at a meeting of the Interdepartmental coordination Council on state financial control in the Republic of Tatarstan, held in the accounts chamber of Tatarstan.

In 2019, the Republic committed itself to the implementation of 49 regional projects affecting priority sectors of the economy and social sphere.

25.7 billion rubles were allocated for their implementation, including 18.1 billion rubles from the Federal and 7.6 billion rubles from the Republican budgets.

The funds are allocated for the construction and reconstruction of 341 objects, holding the WorldSkills champion of working professions, purchasing equipment and improving the material and technical base for 384 objects, providing targeted support measures, social benefits, training and other activities.

At the beginning of November, 20.7 billion rubles were received for the implementation of national projects, of which 14.8 billion came from the Federal budget.

553 state contracts were concluded (98% of the annual plan) for a total of 13.7 billion rubles (or 90% of the planned amount of contracts-15.2 billion rubles).

The remaining amount of work is scheduled to be completed by November 18, this year.

Concluding his speech, Farid Abdulganiev noted that the implementation of national projects in Tatarstan is carried out as planned.

"The Republic will fulfill its obligations in full," the Minister stressed.

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