Entrepreneurs of Tatarstan can report the facts of violation of the moratorium on inspections

30 March 2022, Wednesday

Since March, a moratorium on business inspections has been in effect in Russia. Thanks to the measure taken, more than 190 thousand inspections have been canceled throughout the country, in the Republic of Tatarstan this number is more than 2 thousand. In case of violation of the moratorium, entrepreneurs of the republic have the opportunity to file a complaint or send an appeal based on the results of their interaction with supervisory authorities.

Recall that the moratorium was introduced by the Government of Russia on March 10 and will last until the end of this year for all enterprises, three years for IT enterprises. The decision will reduce the administrative burden and allow businesses to focus on their activities. As a result of the introduced moratorium on scheduled inspections by federal, regional and municipal control bodies in the republic, 2,211 inspections were canceled, more than 512 inspections that had been started were stopped.
Scheduled inspections are allowed only in relation to a small list of objects within the framework of sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary and fire control, as well as supervision in the field of industrial safety - these are kindergartens, schools, children's camps, maternity hospitals and perinatal centers, providers of social services and water supply services .
Unscheduled inspections are possible in case of a threat to the life and health of citizens, the defense and security of the state, as well as in emergency situations. At the same time, they must be agreed with the prosecutor's office or carried out on the direct instructions of the President or the Government of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor.
The moratorium affects more than 100 types of state and municipal control (supervision), with the exception of tax, currency, customs and other specific types of control regulated by separate legislation.
If business representatives are faced with violations of the moratorium, they can apply to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia by sending an application to a special email address proverki.net@economy.gov.ru, if they disagree with the decision of the inspector, they can file a complaint in the pre-trial appeal system through their personal account on the Portal of State Services of the Russian Federation.
In addition, a number of services operate in Russia aimed at supporting entrepreneurs in the current conditions.
Thus, through the resource "Service 360°" of the SME Corporation, you can apply for advice on various business issues by filling out the feedback form on the website corpmsp.ru/360. The service contains information about state support measures, specifics of doing business under sanctions, allows you to file a complaint or leave a review based on the results of an audit, etc.
In the Republic of Tatarstan, the Proven Business Internet resource is a tool for promptly informing businesses about the current legal requirements in the field of control and supervision activities. The provbiz.ru website contains leaflets about typical violations, checklists for types of control, as well as practical recommendations for preventing violations. Upon verification and for advice, you can contact the hotline number: 8-800 222 37 22 or through a special form on the specified website.

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