Отдел по координации совершенствования контрольной и надзорной деятельности


Function and tasks of the department:
1. Coordination of the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Tatarstan, authorized to exercise state control (supervision), local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, authorized to exercise municipal control, for the implementation and improvement of control and supervisory activities in the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter – control (supervision) bodies.
2. Preparation of proposals to improve the efficiency of interaction of control (supervision) bodies in solving the most significant issues on improving control and supervisory activities in the Republic of Tatarstan.
3. Maintaining a list of types of regional state control (supervision) in the Republic of Tatarstan and control (supervision) bodies.
4. Monitoring the effectiveness of regional state control (supervision), municipal control in order to provide methodological support for the processes of improving control and supervisory activities.
5. Methodological support of the activities of control (supervision) bodies within the framework of the reform of control and supervisory activities.
6. Organization and coordination of the implementation in the Republic of Tatarstan of the target model "Implementation of control and supervisory activities in the subjects of the Russian Federation".
7. Preparation of draft regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan on improving control and supervisory activities in the Republic of Tatarstan.
8. Monitoring the placement and up-to-date maintenance of lists of regulatory legal acts containing mandatory requirements on the websites of control (supervision) bodies.
9. Organization of work on the preparation, approval and placement of reports on the implementation of regional state control (supervision) and on the effectiveness of such control (supervision), reports on the implementation of municipal control and on the effectiveness of such control, prepared by the control (supervision) bodies.
10. Monitoring and coordination of the activities of control (supervision) bodies on the adoption of regulatory legal acts on the approval of risk categories (hazard classes) and their application by control (supervision) bodies when approving the plan for scheduled inspections.

Guzel Daminova
Отдел по координации совершенствования контрольной и надзорной деятельности
Guzel Daminova
Head of section
(843) 524-91-26
(843) 524-91-25
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