Kazan hosted the first Festival of self-employed

12 August 2019, Monday

The festival is self-employed, which was held at the weekend in Gorkinskaya-Matevska forest, visited by more than two thousand people.  More than 170 self-employed people took part in it.

Almost everything can be found at the exhibition site: a variety of handmade products, drinks from exotic countries, original paintings, farm products, culinary delights, as well as meet with experts who will help to master swimming, dancing and yoga, will provide psychological assistance and much more.

Participation here cost self-employed nothing.

The Ecocenter "Dom" for visitors of the event for two days held lectures and workshops on how to find an idea for business, how to attract investment, why even the smallest business needs SMM and trademark.

At the event, there was a children's area where children could learn about children's time management, start learning German, get acquainted with the basics of Taekwondo, and parents – for example, with the education of proper eating behavior in children.

At the front of the consultation the specialists of ANO "Center of support of the self-employed" talked about the tax regime and helped those wishing to register.

The most common question of those who are already mature – how to register and how to conduct their activities through the application "My tax". Citizens are also interested in when the tax payment period begins and how it is collected. 

Tatarstan is one of the pilot regions with a special tax regime "Tax on professional income". Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions also participate in the program. All residents of the pilot regions can register as self-employed. This status allows you to conduct business legally and pay taxes at the minimum tax rate: 4% when working with individuals and 6% - with legal entities.

In the pilot regions for six months 123 thousand people were registered as self-employed. Now 26 thousand self-employed are registered in Tatarstan, seven thousand of them are from Kazan.

Since 2020, any region of the Russian Federation can get the right to introduce a special tax regime for self-employed.

Information about the new tax for self-employed is available on the website www.npd.nalog.ru. 

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